Host An Equal Exchange Fundraiser On The Farmraiser Platform!
Make your local fair trade fundraiser extra efficient and simple by moving it all online through FarmRaiser!
Equal Exchange’s fairly traded, organic products are available on the FarmRaiser platform. Your local supporters can place their orders directly through your online market — customized for your school or group — and they pay on the spot.
FarmRaiser helps organizers like you manage every detail of your fundraiser on their platform, from start to finish. You can use special tech tools to maximize your fundraising success.
Please note that at the end of your FarmRaiser campaign, Equal Exchange products are rounded up to the nearest wholesale case. (Example: If your supporters purchase a total of four bags of Organic French Roast Coffee, you will be invoiced for and sent a full wholesale case of six bags.)
Fair Trade Fundraising
There are 4 fairly traded and organic best-selling Equal Exchange chocolate bars and 2 coffees you can select through FarmRaiser’s fundraising platform. They come directly from Equal Exchange for maximum freshness. Though your supporters can order online, the program was designed with your local community in mind, since you will need to arrange for each individual order distribution.
You can use Equal Exchange’s free resources to teach about fair trade to reach your fundraising goal:
It's easy to get started. Kick off your campaign today.
Fair Trade Fundraising On Farmraiser

Online Strengths
- Quick start! FarmRaiser's shareable online market makes it easy to get started right away and promote your fundraiser via social media, email, and texting.
- Simpler for participants and more direct. Supporters place orders themselves online. At the end of your campaign, FarmRaiser helps you tally your orders and submits to Equal Exchange for fulfillment. No need to fill out a spreadsheet!
- The platform generates PDFs of easy-to-read customer receipts – organized by each participant – to simplify your distribution day.
Will you ship Equal Exchange products directly to my friends and family across the country? No. All FarmRaiser orders will be sent to one fundraising organizer. The platform is intended for your local community. Your group's entire order will be shipped to the single address you specify. Individual participants can take home products to distribute to their supporters, or you can ask supporters to come to a specified location to pick up their products.
Where do Equal Exchange products come from? Orders for Equal Exchange products placed through your FarmRaiser fundraiser ship directly to you from Equal Exchange.
Are the products ordered through FarmRaiser still Equal Exchange? Are they organic? Do they support small scale farmers? Yes! The Equal Exchange products you select for your FarmRaiser campaign support our mission. They are all organic, sourced fairly from farmer co-ops around the world.
What if I'm doing an online fundraiser, but a supporter isn't comfortable ordering online? Paper is always an option. The online platform can generate a print out of your fundraiser so you can also accept cash or check from supporters. FarmRaiser helps you include all orders and will place your final order with Equal Exchange for you.
Is the FarmRaiser site secure? Yes. FarmRaiser provides a secure paywall so people can buy with a credit card.
How does FarmRaiser help me stay organized? You can keep track of your fundraising progress, student participants, and your customer data by logging into your dashboard. The platform generates a PDF with easy-to-read customer receipts (organized by seller!) for a non-stressful distribution day and shares a reconciliation note at the end of your campaign.
Can I contact my past fundraising supporters? The FarmRaiser technology keeps your data stored in your account. You can export lists of past supporters and email them about your next fundraiser. You can also share your account info easily if the organizer next year is new to the position.
What are the marketing tools are available? When you provide your group's information, logo and fundraising details with FarmRaiser, they'll generate your own shareable online market, a personalized website for your campaign that's easy to promote via social media, email, and texting. You can always share our fair trade resources.
How do the prices compare? We have listed suggested selling prices ($4 per chocolate bar and $12 per bag of coffee). You can adjust the prices you charge supporters based on the profits you wish to earn.
What percentage of the price paid by supporters will our organization keep as profit?It's up to you! The platform has a sliding scale that lets you set the percentage of profit you earn as you set up your campaign. Contact to get help setting up your campaign.
What will my online market look like? Can I see an example? To see live online fundraisers through the FarmRaiser Platform, click here> .
Is there a minimum FarmRaiser order? Yes. FarmRaiser campaigns need a fundraising goal of at least $500 in retail sales. Campaigns that do not sell at least $500 (that's typically about 14 customer orders) may be canceled and customers refunded their purchases at FarmRaiser's discretion. FarmRaiser can answer any questions at
Who do I talk to if I need help — FarmRaiser or Equal Exchange? How will I know? The team at FarmRaiser is your primary contact. They provide help throughout your online campaign and will submit your final order to us for you. You settle your amount due with FarmRaiser directly. To discuss the specific details of your fundraising on the online platform, call 571-279-8873 or email
Got questions about Equal Exchange’s mission, fair trade products, our farmer partners or shipping? Contact our friendly Customer Service team via email or by calling 774-776-7366.