The History of Authentic Fair Trade – Now Available Online | Equal Exchange
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The History of Authentic Fair Trade – Now Available Online

October 2, 2013

Fair Trade, like coffee, is complex, rich and fascinating.
We now have available a new educational resource: The History of Authentic Fair Trade.  In comic book format we present a version of Fair Trade that is shared by many Equal Exchange colleagues, allies, and partners.  We hope that by presenting the material in this way, with heroes and villains, and condensed stories, it will pique the reader’s curiosity so that she will dig deeper, ask questions, and ultimately make a conscious decision about where she stands in relation to small farmers, co-operatives, and democratic movements, as well as corporations, certifying agencies, and alternative trade organizations.
So sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee as you contemplate this history of Fair Trade, and decide how it all fits together on your path to peace and social justice.
Click here to read an on-line version.  Click here to download your copy today!  Clik aqui para leerlo en espanol.  Individuals can purchase a hard copy here.
Stores:  To order multiple copies, please call your sales representative.