In June 2017, a strike spread across Darjeeling, India and closed the entire region for 104 days. The motivation was political- a fight over identity, sovereignty, independence. In August we wrote about the fight for Gorkhaland, a movement to separate Darjeeling and surrounding areas (parts of Dooars and Siliguri) from the State of West Bengal to create an independent new state.
Building Democracy in Tea
Equal Exchange has worked in the tea industry for more than 20 years. Our tea program is still relatively small, but we have leveraged our limited volume to support and strengthen a number of small-scale farmer groups in India and Sri Lanka. Small farmer cooperatives are incredible rare in the tea industry which was built on colonial plantations from the ground up. When considering the larger industry context, it is remarkable that our small-scale tea co-op partners exist at all.
Almond Milk Drink Ideas
By Alexis Powell, Social Media Marketing Intern
New Teas to Warm You This Fall

Small Farmers, Big Change in South India (Part II)
Part Two: Here in South India, we can report there have been positive changes in the last few years in the effort by Peeramade Development Society (PDS) and Tea Promoters of India (TPI) to empower small tea farmers. Peeramade Development Society is a Catholic church of India based NGO that has a variety of projects to support the rural poor. Tea Promoters of India is a unique family-owned tea operation that has a foundational commitment to authentic fair trade and to small tea producers.
Benefits of Green Tea
Equal Exchange fairly traded teas are grown by small-scale farming communities around the world. These farmers practice sustainable agriculture, which means no nasty pesticides. This improves soil and water quality, and the farmers' overall health. Drinking organic tea, and particularly green tea, can have many health benefits for you and your family. Let's take a closer look at the health benefits of green tea.
Ask the Dietitian: Getting the Most Out of Spring
You know spring is here when the colorful crocus start to sprout and there's still sunlight during the evening commute. Even though we experienced a mild winter here in New England, I am still feeling that yearly inner yearning to get outside now that spring is officially here.
Chai Recipes
Our deliciously spicy chai is made with black tea and spices from Sri Lanka. It's great when steeped as black tea and served sweetened with a drop of honey. Check out these additional recipes for some chai fun.
Ask the Dietitian: Hydration
Recently at Equal Exchange, we received the question, "Is it true that coffee dehydrates you?" Water is one of the most essential nutrients for your body. So, pour yourself a glass of your favorite chilled Equal Exchange drink and read on!
Ask the Dietitian: Tea & Health Benefits
The first recorded cup of tea was sipped in China more than 4,000 years ago. Since that time tea consumption has become a worldwide trend, for its taste and health properties. In fact, next to water it is the most consumed beverage in the world! Tea leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant, grown at high altitudes, mostly in China, Japan, India and Africa.